Happy B-day Dad!!! I took the photo of the license plate for you at the Biker Bar. Palm Springs has been an amazing experience. So many nice and positive people here. We took a trip to Joshua Tree and then up to Pioneer Town. We ate at Pappy's and Harriets which was some of the best food ever. Even Sarah Mia's veggie burger was amazing. I then walked around the Old west town and met Gary Suppes of Chaparrosa Outfitters who makes all types of leather products and plays the flute in a band. Then on the way home the clouds started to get weird. It is suppose to rain here all week which kinda puts a damper on our photoshoot which is all exterior. Also experienced my first earthquake the other morning at around 4ish, whole bed shaked ect, crazy. Heath took all the awesome photos of me. Thx buddy! Mister Freedom Jacket is fully waxed!
Day one of Palm Springs is over. Started out slow but I think we all got some great stuff. Everything out here is picture perfect. Awesome hanging out with Heath and Sarah Mia everyday. Our friend Brad has an amazing dog/model. Couple shots of the hotel, ect..