Monday, July 18, 2011

Update soon!

Lack of updates due to an amazing trip out West with some of the best friends ever. Editing photos now so updates soon. Glad everyone is alive after this risky trip. No cell service for days so I am now catching up. Photo by Charla Harris.


  1. the mate was a mighty hiking man,
    the skipper brave and sure.
    five passengers set to hike that day
    for an 11 hour tour..
    an 11 hour tour..

  2. Nice! Is that an LVC shirt? Been lusting after the one Roy6 has...probably too late to get my hands on one now.

  3. How dauntingly beautiful and dangerous is that landscape?
    An amazing photo!

  4. Just ran into your blog today and it's fantastic. I am looking forward to sifting through the archives.
