So Heath and I decided to go visit one of his friends families way out in Nebraska. The family owned 100's of acres about 2 hours from Omaha. I mainly photographed the Grandpa and the two sons. Heath was along to photograph and document as well. We were greeted by a huge Great Dane/German Shepard named Moose who followed us around everywhere. The one son took us out to see his cows which were very friendly. He told us that people at the turn of the century had tried to mine out there but had no luck. While we were there we saw some wild turkeys which put on a show for us which I guess is super rare! I took some video and photos. The trip was one of the things I will miss about Omaha. Thanks again Heath for being patient with me and taking me on one of the most memorable trips, not to forget almost running out of gas in the middle of nowhere with no phone service or gas station for miles.
Me and Heath then headed to the another farm on the property. They had a great barn with lots of cool old equipment. There was a really cool pair of old red wing boots behind an old door. We went into an older house, where there was a cool upstairs which hadn't been touched for awhile. Couple of the rooms had tons of dead flies all over the ground. In one of the closets there was an old bucket used for a toilet during the winter or if someone was too lazy to go to the outhouse in the middle of the night. Outside the house I picked up a dead snake and then realized it smelled horrible. The guys built there own saloon which was amazing and a really cool hangout.
So later we headed to this old house that was now crooked. The house was insulated with rock back then, I was hoping denim but no luck. There was an old well right outside the side door. Two other barns were located on the property as well.
Today we shot in at Jeannies parents house in Iowa. It was on a really cool farm. It was around 95 and sunny the whole day, I pulled lots of ticks off. Sarah Mia took a photo of me working hard. Down the street where some old abandoned train carts, so we went inside and took some photos. Heath and Sarah Mia were making fun of my socks but after all the ticks and chiggers from two weeks before forget it. We left shortly due to Heath being scared of something in the grass. At the location today we only had an outhouse and all I can say is luckily times have changed!
Thx Heath for the photo! This is when the grass started to move and Heath took off!
Only 1 and a half week of shooting days left here! Had an incredible shoot on a pig farm last sunday, only posting one pic now though. Too many to choose from. Thanks again Jeannie and Tim's family!!!!!! Lots of shoots lined up for the next 2 weeks and then back to OHIO!
Couple snaps. Once again Heath and Sarah-Mia have been awesome here. Taking me out and keeping me company. The one shot is the two of them on the shoot in the woods.Unfortunately, I got poison ivy somehow. Not fun but what else would I expect with my luck. Other than that nothing happening here.
Today, I got the car fixed and went to the Omaha zoo. Lots of animals and smelly humans. I took a couple photos for Rocco's twins bedroom. The other photo is an outtake from a recent shoot. Headed back to Ohio in the morning for the 4th weekend!